Registration season is the most hectic time of year for school-aged child care programs. The excitement is buzzing all around. But for some of the staff, this is also a time of frustration due to lack of cohesion between software programs. Some programs still have manual data entry. Simplify your program’s registration process by using Eleyo’s program management software with comprehensive online registration.

What is "Comprehensive Online Registration"?
Comprehensive means complete; including all or nearly all elements or aspects of something. Some online registration software only allows programs to gather basic registration information such as student’s name and age, parent contact information, etc. The right program management software, like Eleyo, allows you to do more than just take a registration form online. It allows you to gather all the information and permissions needed from the family, as well as take payment, and then centralizes this all into one reporting system. Comprehensive means that everything needed to effectively register and maintain program records are all in one software.
Get ALL Required Forms
Eleyo makes it easy for programs to add questions and fields to the registration process to ensure that all information is received before the season even begins. Information like emergency contacts, approved pick-ups, allergies and special needs can all be put in at the time of registration. Programs decide what information needs to be collected and can customize the registration questions.
Choose Your Schedule
Another part of comprehensive online registration is the scheduling aspect. With Eleyo, programs decide what schedule to offer families. They can choose to only allow Mondays through Fridays after school care or let parents choose their days. Programs can also open registration for non-school days.
Payments on Time, Every Time
When payment is taken at the time of registration, everything becomes easier. Programs can decide to take advantage of Eleyo’s auto-pay feature where the credit card or checking account that families provide at registration is automatically charged each month or week for child care services.
Little to No Data Entry
All the information collected at the time of registration, is all pulled into a centralized system. This makes it easier to find the information you need and pull reports. With Eleyo, staff no longer spend hours keying in registration information, parents have already done that for them.
Just as no child care program is exactly like the other, the same goes for program management software. Some software solutions will allow you to just take basic registration information, while others may allow you to take payments, but not all of them report into a centralized system making sure everyone has access to the same information. Eleyo does just that. Simplify your school-aged child care program’s registration process by using Eleyo.