If you are a school district currently running a child care program, Eleyo is here to help make your life easier with our Child Care module. From program and resource management to registration and attendance tracking, Eleyo offers a suite of capabilities that make running a child care program easy. Below are the benefits Eleyo’s Child Care module brings to both internal staff and parents/families.
For staff:
- Mass invoicing with auto pay with automated emails sent when a payment is declined
- Customizable online registration process
- Schedule and attendance tracking
- Dynamic roster, attendance, and financial reports
- iPad app for managing attendance and late pick-ups
For parents/families:
- View and print invoices, receipts and annual tax statements online
- Register and manage account on a smartphone or tablet
- No need to enter the same student details when registering season after season
- Request schedule changes and non-school day registrations online
- Manage auto-payment account online
Along with these benefits, school districts can automatically add late payment or late pick-up fees, which offer another form of revenue. Districts can review and approve schedule changes via the online portal. The capabilities and information your staff will have combined with the easy-to-use public facing portal makes Eleyo an essential tool for any child care program.
To see the product in action and better understand if it meets your needs, please drop us a line at hello@eleyo.com.