If you are a school district currently renting out your facilities, Eleyo is here to help make your life easier with our Facilities module. From scheduling to facility use information, Eleyo offers a suite of capabilities that make renting facilities easy. Below are the benefits Eleyo’s Facilities module brings to both internal staff and your community.
For your staff:
- Approval-based facility scheduling
- Automated conflict checking as other programs create a season’s course offering
- Set up auto-approval for certain accounts at a building between specific hours
- Customizable user permission levels

- Powerful scheduling and financial reports
For your community:
- Check space availability online
- Request to use space on a smartphone or tablet
- View and print invoices and receipts online
- Add additional details about requests online
- Pay invoices on a smartphone or tablet
Along with these benefits, school districts can define district-specific rates and rate types. Districts can also view facility request history and manage accounts online. The capabilities and information your staff will have combined with the easy-to-use public facing portal makes Eleyo an essential tool for managing facility rental.
To see the product in action and better understand if it meets your needs, please drop us a line at hello@eleyo.com.