Eleyo went to Disney World for the Florida Afterschool Alliance (FASA) 27th Annual Afterschool Conference September 27-29, 2017. The theme for this year was "The Force Is Strong In After School" and Eleyo couldn't agree more!
The Florida Afterschool Alliance is on a mission to provide resources, training, recognition, and technical assistance to all who are involved in after school programs. FASA wants to help not only the staff of after school programs, but also the parents and communities. The Florida Afterschool Conference was open to all of these wonderful people who truly make the force strong in after school programs.
How exactly can a conference help after school child care program administrators, but parents and community members as well? FASA designed the conference with specific topics to speak to each person involved in after school programs. Session tracks were specified for Administration, Families & Communities, Middle/High school, Project Based Learning, STEM/STEAM, Student Engagement, and Teaching & Learning. Any out of school time information you wanted to learn about, the 2017 Florida Afterschool Conference had it.
Eleyo presented during two sessions. The first session was "The 24/7 Parent: Making Registration Easy for the Modern-Day Family" and was presented by Robin Mattaini, Customer Experience Director at Eleyo. Robin defined the 24/7 parent and showed how Eleyo helps school districts accommodate the modern day family. The second session "Buying Registration Software: The 101" was presented by Joe Hickey, Eleyo's Business Development Manager. Joe walked through features that school districts should be looking for when purchasing registration software, as well as some things Eleyo has to offer. If you would like more information on these speaking sessions, please contact us.

Eleyo was able to feel how strong the after school force is in Florida because not even Hurricane Irma could prevent Florida school districts from coming together to learn and share their passion for building better communities through afterschool programs. The 27th Annual FASA Conference was definitely a bright star in a sometimes dim universe.
If you would like more information on Eleyo's speaking sessions at the 2017 Afterschool Conference, please contact Robin Mattaini or Joe Hickey.