3 Benefits to Using an iPad Attendance App

– January 31, 2018

Child Care, Parents, late pickup, Program Management, out of school time, before and after school program, iPad Attendance App

Technology is created to make our lives easier, so why wouldn’t you use it to report on program attendance? There are so many benefits to using an iPad Attendance App like Eleyo’s. We’ve decided to highlight the top three.

iPad Attendance App Signature Capture

Information Automatically Syncs – Parents, site staff, and administrative staff can all access the most up-to-date information when using the Eleyo iPad Attendance App. If a parent changes the emergency contact information for a child, that information is immediately synced with the iPad Attendance App ensuring site staff have the most accurate child information.

Time-stamped Attendance Records – When parents sign children in and out, the Eleyo iPad Attendance App captures the time and date. This provides real-time attendance records so that sites are staffed accurately and provides districts the ability to automatically collect late fees on the next billing cycle. This eliminates the need for awkward conversations with parents on fee administration.

Easy AccesiPad Attendance App Child Location Screens to Child Information – Site staff can easily access a child’s profile within the Eleyo iPad Attendance App. This profile shows the child’s schedule, special needs, emergency contacts, approved pick-up persons, and additional information collected during the registration process. Site staff can also use the App’s location feature to know where each child is at any given time.

The iPad Attendance App Helps School-Age Child Care Programs During Fire Drills


We could go on and on about how much time the Eleyo iPad Attendance App will save staff and parents. Technology was created to make your life easier, now is the time to embrace it!

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